Company Philosophy

Mission Statement (Mission)
The Company’s mission is to contribute to society by creating and offering superior pharmaceuticals and health-related products as well as healthcare-related information and services in socially responsible ways that enrich people’s lives by improving health and beauty.
Management Policies (Vision)
Focus on core businesses
- Self-Medication Operation Group, Prescription Pharmaceutical Operation Group
- Businesses based on clear scientific and objective evidence that take full advantage of the Company’s strengths
Continue to drive sustained growth in business activities while fulfilling the following obligations expected of the Company by stakeholders:
- For consumers, the Company will strive to help realize healthier and more enriched lives based on the theme of health in various fields.
- For business customers and suppliers, the Company will establish and maintain fair and reasonable relationships.
- For employees, the Company will respect the human rights and dignity of each individual and endeavor to secure employment.
- For local communities, the Company will remain actively engaged in the community as a corporate citizen while striving to protect the environment and build mutually beneficial relationships.
- For shareholders and other investors, the Company will disclose proper information in a fair and timely manner.
Code of Conduct (Values)
Based on the Company’s founding principles, the Company is working to share the following values internally as it conducts business activities: